What if the secret to your peace of mind isn’t about controling your thoughts but learning to align your mental energy?

Get access to the 7-day detox that gets you back into flow.

 When you are out of alignment in your mental energetic world it feels like  none of the mindset processes will work because you can’t stop feeling swamped with thoughts and bogged down with scattered focus.


But alignment isn’t far away.


It’s just understanding how it works and knowing a few tweaks and nudges that lead you in the right flow and connection.

“I should be able to meditate or use my mindset tools, but I can’t quiet my mind long enough for them to work.”


I know, you feel pulled in all directions and can’t find the focus and mental clarity to get yourself off of the hamster wheel.


When you are out of alignment in your Mental Energetic world:

  • Making decisions feels like grasping for straws, solutions elude you, as you go round and round.
  • You just can’t get life under control, it continually slips through your fingers, creating stress and overwhelm
  • You are continually criticizing yourself for not being on top of things.
  • You know you can’t focus, but that means you can’t get clear on the next step.

The great news is that the Mental Energy Alignment course is going to help you override your mind’s spins and help you become whole and clear on your intentional path

all in a 7 day process you can put into place in 15-20 minutes each day.

Get lifetime access for only $97.

The Mental Energy Alignment course is for every spiritually aware seeker, who is tired of feeling like your mind is running the show, leaving your head feeling strained and solutions further away than ever before.


 It’s time for you to feel clarity, alignment and intuitively guided so you can live the life you came to live.

This is perfect for you if you…


  •  Can’t focus and feel easily distracted
  • Struggle in making decisions or getting clarity on next steps.
  • Suffer from headaches, migraines or urinary issues
  • Crave to have everything under control but feels like it’s always slipping through your fingers.
  • You can’t sleep for the stories that circulate through your head.


Once you are in alignment you will have access to a new state of flow.

You will:

  • Feel in control of your thoughts and emotions, allowing you to be present in each moment.
  • Connect to a sense of flow, creating the perfect balance between doing and being.
  • Feel aligned to your path, so you can know the right steps forward, rather than scrambling to figure it all out at once. 
  • Have access to a state of inner peace even when life gets chaotic.


It’s true. Once your mental energetic world is in alignment, you step off of the hamster wheel and into flow.

All in 7 days?

Yes, get ready to simplify...


The course is created to be worked through over a one week period. 


7 videos for 7 days.


Think of it as a detox program for alignment.

Each day’s video will lead you through a simple practice, perspective or exercise you can use to align your mental energy.

The more aligned your energy becomes the more you will start to reprogram your neural pathways to become accustomed to a sense of alignment.

The course uses an understanding in mindfulness, neuroscience, as well as spirituality and energy work, so you will feel invigorated and inspired to take part in each new video feeling better and better as you work through each lesson.

But moving through unalignment and alignment is part of the human condition, so the course also serves as an alignment toolbox, which you can pull out at anytime you feel you need a nudge or tweak back into alignment of your whole self.

What’s included?

The course contains 7 video lessons that take you through alignment processes and practices to help you align your mental and energetic world. 

Learn how:

  • To Nourish and tend the garden of your mind
  • How to become the observer not the thinker of your thoughts
  • How to identify (and choose from) the 4 types of attention
  • How to meditate to train your mind
  • How to create positive focus and establish new neural pathways to create wellbeing
  • Foster focuses with intention of manifestation

Feel empowered by knowing how to know the signs of being unaligned in your mental energy world and how to realign within moments of your day. 

Develop the inner knowing that can take years of self work within a short seven day course.

This program is yours for lifetime access for only $97.

Who is Christina, and why should I trust her on my spiritual journey?

(Great question, I’m so glad you asked!)

I’ve studied spirituality and mindfulness for almost 25 years and  I majored in Religious studies and philosophy in university, so I’ve worked through the processes, done the shadow work, recited the affirmations and read the self help aisle. 

Sounds like I was set up to be a home schooling mom of three and entrepreneur working from home, right?


I’ll tell you here and now, it sometimes felt like I had an encyclopedia in my head without a search bar. My head used to feel like it would explode and even if I could block out the chaos around me, trying to wrack my brain to pull out a self help tool to focus was like drowning and someone describing the water.

I kept telling myself to “focus” and get clear, but how do you focus a full head?

It wasn’t working. I just got more and more out of alignment.

It was when I started to make clearer intentions, weed out what was cluttering my mind and tending my thoughts that I could see through the fog. I learnt about the four worlds of myself and could stop trying to align them all at once.

Instead, I focused on one world at a time and it changed everything.

When I worked on aligning my mental energetic world, intention became clearer, I started to prioritize differently and best of all, my thoughts started to support the person I wanted to be, rather than continually talk down to me.

I’ve taught the tools in this program to my clients and even my children when they were as young. I love seeing how decluttering your mind, tending it as a garden and starting to really make the decisions needed to step into your best self transforms life quickly.

All it takes is some nudges into alignment and it can be so much easier than we… think!

So let’s get you started.

I can’t wait to see you inside!