In a world filled with turmoil and chaos, how do you avoid sinking into despair?
When everything around you feels dark and overwhelming, can you still resonate with light?
In discussions about positivity, staying focused on the light is often dismissed as “burying your head in the sand,“ but in my experience, it’s actually the harder, more courageous path.
While I’m quick to seek out a positive perspective, a hopeful story, or the angle that brings the most relief, I also want to emphasize that I’m not about slapping on a fake smile.
I don’t pretend things are fine when they aren’t.
Balancing between aligning with light and staying grounded in reality is like walking a razor’s edge.
Focusing too much on the darkness can lead to getting lost in it, resonating with it, or even adding to it.
Yet, ignoring the world around you creates an echo chamber where you only hear your own voice.
The truth is, you’re here to be human and to shine your light in the dark.
I recently heard Danielle Laporte talk about “Loving Your Way Through…” and it struck me as a perfect guide for this delicate balance.
In times of chaos, ask yourself, “How can I love my way through?”
We are here, in this life, to be a beacon of light, especially when things feel overwhelming.
This resonates deeply with me, particularly as I see how current world events are affecting my clients and community.
Like many, I’ve been feeling the challenge of maintaining this balance.
But just as the Universe provides, I was invited to be an ambassador for Danielle Laporte’s new Heart Centered Planner, and it couldn’t have come at a better time.
At the launch, I heard her question, “How can I love my way through?” As a way of asking how to be more loving for the first time, and it illuminated my path.
Side note: Danielle Laporte’s new planner isn’t just a calendar; it’s like a personal development guide that weaves together self-care, lunar cycles, and daily soul work. It’s a tool for aligning your heart and soul-light with your daily plans, helping you to stay grounded and in tune with your higher self even amid chaos.
(I highly recommend Danielle’s planner— Grab here https://daniellelaporte.com/shop/heart-centered-planners/ use my code CHRISTINALOVE10 for 10% off and send me your receipt at [email protected] for a special bonus to help you create new habits before your planner arrives!!)
Navigating the razor’s edge of acknowledging the dark while radiating light is a daily practice for me.
Remember, a candle shines brightest in the dark.
Focusing on its light can make the darkness seem less overwhelming.
Each of us has an inner light—our soul, heart voice, and spiritual essence.
It’s eternal, made of love.
And as challenging as it may feel, you came to this life at this time for a reason, to experience exactly what you’re going through.
(Yes, I question my pre-life choices too sometimes!)
Where attention goes, energy flows.
You don’t need to watch the news to be aware of suffering;
Instead, you can send love, prayers, and positive energy to the places and people who need it.
Just as you can avoid doom-scrolling on social media;
you can choose to focus on kindness and connect with each person you meet with compassion.
You don’t have to descend into darkness to help others;
you can offer them a way out, a hand to pull them up.
Even when I question why I’m here during this chaotic time, in my most connected moments, I know it’s to shine my light as brightly as possible and to help make the world a little less dark.
Don’t let the dark consume you.
Go within, ground yourself, breathe deeply, and let yourself be filled with love. Let it flow through you.
Then, ask yourself: How can I love my way through?
Let love shine. Let compassion guide you. Let your heart lead. Let the light in.
By following this path, you’ll find your way through, and help others do the same.
If this feels hard, then breathe deep. Reconnecting to your inner light takes a bit of a breath sometimes and finding where you need to realign. You can’t shine out if your nervous system is triggered!
Take my Energy Alignment Quiz to find where you need to nudge your energy flow so you can feel whole in yourself. Then your light can truly shine out!
How do you find light in chaotic times? Share your thoughts below in comments!